2022.11.5(sat) - 12.3(sat) アンスティチュ・フランセ関西-京都
ー 1階・ブラッスリー(レドゥギャルソン・アンスティチュ)ー 2階・廊下/線画による絵本原画展:同時開催
★ 11.27(sun) キッズ向けワークショップ開催
Ayana Katayama painting exhibition“ Taste the emotion ”
2022.11.5(sat) - 12.3(sat) Institut Français Kansai - Kyoto,
1st floor: Café (Les Deux Garçons Anstitues) , 2nd floor corridor Original picture book exhibition: concurrent.
In this exhibition, I wanted to visualise the taste (individuality) in the 'feelings and sensations' that people unconsciously feel. I wanted people to taste the atmosphere and colouring of each emotion and feeling, and the story that lies behind them. I feel that by carefully attending to and savouring each emotion and sensation - happy, sad, joyful, fearful, etc. - I feel that something that I felt was missing will be fulfilled. I hope that this work of art will provide an opportunity to become aware of, accept and savour emotions and sensations. Please also visit the exhibition of original line drawings of picture books on display in the corridor on the second floor.
絵本 「きらいと好きが教えてくれること」 原画展
個展に併せて制作した、線画による絵本「きらいと好きが教えてくれること」のために描いた原画を展示しています。 この絵本は、今回の個展のタイトルである「感情を味わう」をコンセプトに、きらいと感じる気持ち、好きと感じる気持ちの取り扱いに対する、子どもの葛藤や揺れ動く様子を表現しています。幼い時は素直に感じる感情に対して、周囲にいる大人や同級生、兄弟からのジャッジに大きな影響を受けてしまいがちです。それによって、自ら感情を抑えてしまうことが当たり前となり、そのまま年齢を重ねてしまうことも少なくないように思うのです。 その人が本来持っている個性が知らず知らずのうちに、覆い隠されていくようにも感じます。 きらいや好きという気持ちにかかわらず、あらゆる感情は全て自分のことを色濃く教えてくれる大切な要素であり、個性の表現だと思うのです。 絵本の制作は初の試みでしたが、この作品を通して感情や感覚が教えてくれるメッセージに意識を向けるきっかけとなれば幸いです。ぜひ絵本も併せてご覧ください。
Picture book "The things dislikes and likes teach us" Exhibition of original drawings
These artworks are the drawings for the picture book which made in conjunction with the exhibition 'Taste the emotions' on the 1st floor. Based on the concept of 'Taste the emotions', this picture book expresses the conflicts and fluctuations of child dealing with dislike and like. When children are young, they tend to be greatly influenced by the judgements of the adults around them, their classmates and siblings about their honest feelings. I think, as a result, to suppress their feelings become standard, and they often grow up as they are. And,the person's inherent individuality is unknowingly covered up. Regardless of the feeling such as dislike or like, I believe that all emotions are important elements that teach us about ourselves and are expressions of our individuality. It is my first time to make a picture book, and I hope that this work will help to pay attention to the messages that emotions and sensations teach us. Please read the picture book too.